Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~Learning new things!~

Learning new things!

So over the last couple of months and More importantly over the last few weeks I had been having some issues that had plagued me and hindered my being successful at my Exercise and nutrition I had mentioned that in the last few posts on ideas to cope with some of the worlds Stressors and found some interesting facts that have indeed been very helpful for me.  But also noticed that it was difficult at times for me to follow my own advice sometimes.   
So  this last week I had made an appointment with a counselor to deal with some of those stressors  and Explained to her my concerns with how those stressors had affected my ability to focus and stay on track, I explained that even though I feel really good and full of life when I do exercise and eat well I have been lacking in determination  and Motivation whilst still feeling so blue and she and I discussed those stressors but also discovered that some food choices and nutritional neglect can  play a big role in how it affects whether or not you are able to stay focused and be positive so that you can stay on track.
So she gave me some options…. Now keep in mind I do a fair amount of research with anything that I’m involved in its important to me to know what the cause and effect is for everything,  I believe for every action is a reaction  and I want to make sure that the reaction is something  I’m comfortable  taking on.
So Here it is… the recommendations, First she stated that while I keep track of all the food I eat with the My fitness pal APP She recommended also keeping a personal journal of the day that way if something does get in the way like a emotional issue or something as easy as not getting enough sleep then I can see where Food and Emotions plays a role in my life.  And then go back over it to find a way of correction for that reaction.  
Also she said that the scale can be deadly for reinforcement because that can also put you into an emotional hiatus if the scale went up or down in numbers that you’re not happy about ….. Or sideways as you’re throwing it a wall. LoL Just kidding but in all honesty I have thought about it a couple of times as of the last few weeks.  
And here is the biggie …. With all the Exercise that I already had been doing with my Running and other things …. She mentioned Yoga & Meditation I thought initially to myself is are you crazy???!!! … with everything I already have going and all that I have on my plate Really!??? Are you sure???  I started to tell her that I just didn’t think I have the Flexibility let alone the patience to work out with Yoga 4 times a week but in the interest of being sane and able I did as she asked and hold on to your hats guys and gals... This was it the piece that I have been missing …. I love YOGA and Meditation and I do have to admit at first I hurt in all kinds of muscles and body parts that I didn’t know even existed. And the best part is I’m happy and gaining happiness everyday!   And the Journaling I have been doing also a big plus because now I can see where things have been interfering.  I am still new at this and like my blog says it’s My Journey  and I am My only key to success So now I have added a few other  things to my regimen We  she shall see  where this takes me ….                                                              
Also I have created a New Goal ,for one month starting today there are No More Scale’s I will follow all of the planned eating and Journaling and exercise  and Yoga with meditation But will not step one foot on a scale and see if in the end … it works for me or against me.   So here is My question‘s for all of you…. Post your answers I really want to know what your drive is and ambition where does your inner strength come from? Remember were all in this together!
1.       What do you do for motivation?
2.       Do you Yoga?  And if so what is your favorite method and why?
3.       Do you or have you ever journal your accomplishments?
 I look forward to all your great comments and will happily reply to each of them!!!!

Hugs to all

Gr8gurl J

Monday, September 12, 2011

~Emotions~ How do they affect diet and nutrition

Emotions and their effects on Exercise and Good Nutrition

How many times have you had something happen that is stressful or overwhelming and even though you started with a good game plan you threw it out the window and didn’t really care whether or not what you ate was on the plan …or if you exercised.  The reason that I bring this up is this happens to be something that I have been struggling with and lately and in such I have had what I would consider my fill of and stressful Situations….  and then more keep coming …. I swear I think some of the issues that I have been battling would put anyone on a binge. However when doing such I realized …. A day late and a dollar short that I’m only doing myself the injustice and pushing out my own victory because I let emotions of the trials that I am going through effect how much I eat and whether or not I felt like working out, Now I know that on occasion we all can have those days where you just don’t feel like it ….l can relate and for me it seems I’m having a Marathon of bad events in my life.  And as result I find that I let myself Dwindle ….  And my light of energy is dimming and my self esteem … Non Existent.
Now don’t get me wrong I’m not putting on a Pity party although I will admit that Saturday was rough and I pretty much did just that.  It has been a long time that I was so upset that I Just never left my Bedroom I stayed in bed and Cried all day but Sunday as I was sitting around looking at myself and I said to myself am I crazy I have worked so hard why do I let these things get in the way of my own success?  It was then I decided to sit down and do some research and find a reason why I do this and others may to …. Then I found some interesting facts.

To anyone reading …. No you are not crazy!  You don’t have mental problems but in fact just like anyone else you are human and things do come up and some things are easier than others but keep in mind you are the only key to your own success, And When you allow them to control everything else going on you only hinder yourself more, then when the grieving is completed or you wake up like me the next day you realize you are now behind and for what? Or at least that is what I found myself asking.  So In that lies the research…. 
And what I found is not just our diet, but out thoughts, our emotions, and our behavior all affect body chemistry. For instance, relaxation produces the chemical norepinephrine with which low levels are implicated in depression.

Also, exercise has been shown to produce another chemical known as endorphins, which help with depression, anxiety, sleep, and sexual activity.  So, besides eating certain foods, relaxation, exercise, and are things that we do that can also affect the level and activity of these chemicals. But if you have some everyday stresses or some out the normal stresses the last thing we want to do is  eat … or in some cases all we do is eat and when that happens …. Out goes the game plan.
Thomas Jefferson wrote that most people feel about as happy as they make up their minds to be. And indeed, a positive attitude is invaluable.  And also some foods in particular can increase the chemicals or the lack of them may decrease the levels of Serotonin in the body and when that drops so do you. Here’s an example Protein promotes the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, which promote alertness. Protein meals containing essential fatty acids and/or carbohydrates are recommended for increased alertness. Salmon and white fish are good choices. Avoid foods high in saturated fats; consumption of port or fried foods, such as hamburgers and French fries, leads to sluggishness, slow thinking, and fatigue. Fats inhibit the synthesis of neurotransmitters by the brain in that they cause the blood cells to become sticky and to clump together, resulting in poor circulation, especially to the brain.

And oddly enough some foods themselves can send you into a depression and take you out without even knowing that you had done that to yourself.  Surprised? Ya! So was I and even though I love to go running and I get so excited when I have a good day nutrition wise it is easily done to let yourself slip into a nothing matters downward spiral and before you know it ….. You don’t care….. And that was happening to me, and over the weekend and should say more like the last couple of weeks I had been struggling thinking that I was weak … Or lost determination, So while it may have been the combination of the food choices I made … when I was already down and feeling low that just added to the downward spiral that I was quickly following down, who can know….. But the reason that I brought this whole research up was because that maybe you were feeling great and depending on your food choices and what you ate made a difference in how you felt and that may have been the case for you …. And so many others I thought if that information helped me … and perhaps could help you why not post it!  You are Not alone this really does happen to lots of people….  So the next time you feel blue even if you’re down keep that in mind the next time you eat or drink anything …. It just may make all the difference in the world!  

Just keep in mind we all have the blues sometimes….
Stay Strong!
Gr8gurl J

Friday, September 9, 2011

Remembering September 11th 2001 10 years later

Sept 11th 10 Years remembered how the world would be forever changed

 Much like December 7th 1941 the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese Soldiers September 11th 2001 is a day that will live in infamy.    December 7th  Was also a day that the world would look at
things differently how we all came together as a Country united to help others recover  and to heal from such a devastating attack.  10 Years ago …. I remember that day like it was yesterday as I am sure that everyone had their own perceptions and memories of that day and the days to follow.   
Here is where mine begin,  On the Morning of September 11th 2001 I had  woke to get my children ready for school all under the age of 10 and that the time they were 7-5-2  in age …. I had just had Major Surgery on my shoulder a week prior and was having trouble taking care of my youngest child so I decided to have my husband at that time take the other 2 kids to school then drop me and my baby off at my parents so that I could have help with my youngest son since I couldn’t move very well….. And that is the moment that I will never forget, 
As I walked to the Door of my parent’s home my dad walked to the door and as he opened the door he said ….. “Did you hear about the plane crash that hit the world trade Center? “ I laughed at my dad and said ya right dad ….. I had lived in New York back in 1991 to 1993 and I knew that the airplanes didn’t travel that close to NY it had to be a mistake on a flight path, I walked in and sat my baby down started to watch as  I looked in horror and disbelief ….. Seconds later, I watched live footage of United Airlines Flight 175 crash into the south tower of the World Trade Center. Since United Airlines Flight 11 had hit the north tower just 16 minutes before, cameras were already rolling.
Horrified, I knew that the world would never quite be the same. I watched hour after hour of news coverage. I cried. I hugged my kids. I called my husband and parents and grandparents to tell them I loved them.  I remembered the first attack on WTC …. I was living only a matter of Blocks away on that fatal day ….   In 1993 and remember being really scared then …. Thinking, is this the beginning of the End?   So when I saw that second Plane Hit the south tower I just knew as millions of others did too this was  no accident any more … We Were under attack!  Much like that Fateful day in December 7th 1941 No one could have imagined what would transpire in a matter of Hrs or what would become of the Fate for the United States as everything unraveled but amazingly enough we all stood strong one hand next to another banding together with our heads tall saying this is not the end … we will not go down without a fight WE WILL RECOVER!!!! You have not beaten us!
So Now here it is Almost 10 years to the day and Now my children are 17 /15/12  and still to this day we make it a point to remember those that have fallen, The Firefighters who bravely Stormed into those Buildings when others ran out, The Soldiers  Who fought on that line and  lost their lives because of that event , To All of the Volunteers  that spent Hours upon  hours searching through piles of rubble hoping to find someone alive,  and last but certainly not least the  2974 Victims and their  families and the Children that had to grow up without fathers , Mothers Aunts and or Uncles because of the Events that took place on that day from the September 11th 2011 Attacks.
Since this year marks the 10th anniversary of the attacks, news coverage and discussions will be abundant.
Following some of Dr. Harold Koplewicz’s suggestions in his article “A Decade Later: Talking to Kids About 9/11,” I plan on having individual, age-appropriate discussions with my kids. I won’t shy away from the basic facts, but I will decide what kind of details, footage and news coverage to share with each child.
I’ll explain that many ordinary Americans reacted to the attacks with extraordinary unselfishness. Some of these inspiring accounts can be found in this lesson prepared by Constitution Rights Foundation Chicago titled, “Good Citizens in a Time of Emergency”.
I want my kids to understand that it's possible for millions of diverse individuals to set aside their differences and work toward a common good. And that demonstrating unselfishness, resiliency and hope can improve and change countless lives, including our own.
I'll try to explain all these things, but I’m sure that these talks with my kids won’t all go perfectly. I’ll be far from ideal, some of my kids won’t seem to care very much, and at least one of them will probably become exceedingly worked up about the terrorist acts themselves.
But it’s worth my best efforts, because remembering 9/11 is simply too important to forget.
Just remembering!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Attention All Bloggers

Attention all Bloggers!!!!
                 It has come to my attention that there have been many people that have told me that they have tried to click on the link that Says Join this Group But are unable to get it to work to click on the link, See the attached Screen shot of this issue…..   My goal is to get this to work and I have contacted Blogger support to get this resolved since I have tried everything to fix this on my own I believe that the Hot link is not working.  So if this has affected you and you are trying to follow but unable to do so please post a comment on this post or send me a email ….  I will then have some data so that I can get this addressed and back up and running!

Gr8gurl J

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

As the seasons change

Seasons are changing and Old man winter is knocking!!!!
With the Holidays past and the cooler temperatures quickly on their way and leaves begin to turn in my part of the world anyway….do you wonder am I prepared?  I know that I do …. I have to tell you  I am extremely nervous wondering if Old man Winter is going to intimidate me and keep me from my run’s  and work out routines,                                                             
 It is very easy to tell yourself that you can, and it’s a whole other ball of wax to push through and follow through.  Cold & snowy weather or not!  This weekend my son came with me two of the days this holiday while he was visiting and went on my run with me.  I was very surprised that he at the age of 12 would have that much ambition, he even downloaded the Myfitnesspal app for his Iphone he said to me mom if you can do it so can I. 
He got up at very early hours and ran 3.5 miles with me despite he hadn’t done anything physical in some time.    He was so excited when he weighed himself the end of the weekend and was down 1 lb for my son that was a really big deal for him to be so conscientious of what he was eating and unfortunately he usually isn’t frankly since my  both my boys had been living with their father they have become human garbage disposals and despite the many conversations I have had with their  Father he doesn’t see a problem he said  they are growing boys they can eat as they please , My response is they may be growing boys and if they must insist on eating nonstop then they need to be eating  things such as healthy Fruits and veggies.

But definitely the Soda should be off limits. He being a Nurse should already be all over that but he is too busy to pay attention and of course as you may have already guessed I’m the mean mother trying to limit my children when they come over and they get so frustrated and upset because I refuse to buy all that garbage and bring it to my house.
 So when my  Two boys at 15 and 12  visit it is usually a battle because I won’t allow Sugary Soda and Chips and cookies For them, So when my one son had stated that he at 12 years old had been following my blog I was so impressed it truthfully almost made me tear up … the sentimental idiot I can be LOL,  he also told me that he had been trying some of the same things I was doing and so when he wanted to go on my run with me I was so excited I thought  finally I am making an impact on someone’s life.
Granted it was my son and I should already have made an impact there with them however with teenagers being teenagers you can guess that at this age the last thing they ever want to do listen to their nagging mother LOL but all joking aside that really made me so moved and exhilarated that I also had now the motivation to keep pushing!  So my message to everyone today as with anything else,  as the leaves are changing and its getting colder outside don’t let that Couch or TV Get in the way of making your desires to be healthy get in the way put on some warmer clothes and get out there you are worth it as my son said to me.
Hugs and good wishes to you all!
Gr8gurl J

Friday, September 2, 2011


In summarizing this week I want to address that we are all human and some can have bad days while others may have turned out spectacular.  And in that, this week was tremendously long and extremely stressful but here it is the end of the week and I have made my way through almost by the skin of my teeth WHEEW. It seems that sometime when it rains it really pours and just when you think you can’t take any more …. There’s more piled on however the best part is I stuck to the nutrition side of things  and felt it was important that while I may not have been getting my workouts  and pushing myself this week I at least stuck to the nutrition and stayed on top there.
I want to pay special attention to all of the people that have been reading and following it is such a great feeling to know that I am able to reach out and speak to so many people all over the world, I just may make a difference one day to someone and that alone is an awesome feeling.
With this being a holiday weekend and while people are probably getting the grill ready and the  burgers and franks piled on high with Beer and a good time celebrating the Labor Day Weekend with  friends and family….  I just want to take pause for what this Holiday is meant for and how we can honor it with Fun and still be on the same track come Tuesday.

For example Labor Day is a celebration to honor workers and the labor movement for their hard work, dedication and their contribution to economic and social growth and development. So today at work …. They had a corporate BBQ With all the trimmings, Chips, Soda, Burgers and Hot Dogs there was no expense left unturned it was a really nice way to enjoy lunch but as I went down stairs to enjoy with my friends I already had a game plan of what to eat what not to and entered it in Just to keep me accountable …..   And As my close friend Jillian asked me ….. Want some cheese with that?  You have no idea how my mind tried to rationalize why it would be ok.  And my game plan????? OUT THE WINDOW LOL  J
So then I realized that it happens just that easy to even the most disciplined and dedicated person, And  now my thoughts on that….. it’s a Holiday Enjoy it have Fun and if you eat something that isn’t necessarily on the game plan well it happens don’t beat yourself up just pick up keep  going and be accountable for what you do and have fun!!!!.  And that is the best that anyone can ever ask!  Now for Me this weekend I’m going to the Races and I plan to keep my game plan  but if for some reason that goes off  track well  the important thing is I get to spend it with my wonderful family and great Friends.

~Happy Holiday’s~
Gr8gurl J

Thursday, September 1, 2011

D.I.E.T is a dirty Four Letter word!

Do you ever notice??? D.I.E.T is a dirty Four Letter word!

After that initial excitement and determination wears off, it's hard for most people to continue going to the gym, eating right, or both because things start to get in the way and that couch looks more and more enticing, as does that fatty dessert. Here are a few ways that you can stay motivated about your life change experience and exercise programs…..   
Get a workout/diet partner 
It's always easier to do things with a friend. When it comes to dieting and working out, you won't feel like you're in it alone. The two of you can go out to eat together and not feel bad about having to order something healthy and you’ll be able to check up on each other and make sure that you are both staying on the diet and you can motivate each other to exercise on a regular schedule. There will certainly be days when the last thing you want to do is go for a jog and that will be true for your friend as well, and it's on these days that the workout partner is key because they will help convince you to get up and do it. Plus a little friendly competition never hurts.
Think positively
Being Positive plays a huge role in someone's willingness and desire to continue doing an activity, or to do it again. Reward yourself for staying on your plan, especially if you've just fought an epic internal battle over McDonald's French fries and chicken mc nuggets vs. a turkey sandwich, and you chose the turkey sandwich. Positive thinking works for exercise as well. After your workouts concentrate on how good you feel for having completed your goals and how great you feel after expending some energy and gaining strength that has always been beneficial to me!
If possible, vary your workout and your diet routines
If there are exercises that you absolutely hate to do, don't do them. Find another exercise that works the same muscle group or produces the same cardio output. You won't dread working out and you'll be much more likely to continue your program,
Look in the mirror
Check yourself out a little bit. Take Pictures Routinely If you aren't happy with what you see, then it might help remind you to stay with your life change and exercise program.  I usually hang the pictures up in my bathroom so it is the first thing I see…. And that in itself is super for motivation for me! And if you do like what you see you'll be proud of all the hard work you've put in and be reminded of what exactly it is that you have been working for.
Just don't let anyone walk in on your muscle flexing or stomach admiring!

Listening to music can be very helpful in accomplishing your workout to the finish and the exercise you are struggling through just became easier …. My daughter says I look like a fruit ball sometimes when that good Song comes on and you see me dancing down the street while on my run … but I figure ah well I’m working it …. You don’t like it then don't look! Everyone has different musical tastes, but up-beat music that pumps you up is usually the best choice. Don't be afraid to vary your music as well; you don't want every workout to be the same.
Remember: your health is important
Many people diet simply to look better and skinnier. There's nothing wrong with looking good and losing weight as your primary reasons for dieting and exercising, but realize as well that you will be healthier and stronger. Working out and eating right increases your life expectancy and improves your quality of life. You'll have more energy and be able to do so much more. Being healthy will make a profound difference on anyone's life, and that should be motivation enough to start your diet and get going on that exercise program—and to keep it up indefinitely.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Can I Say? No excuses Allowed I'm guilty!

What Can I Say?
            I had been slacking and had been due to some personal issues that I had been dealing with, and the combination of I think I may have pulled my hernia again.
SIGH…. L  (Little back story had a Huge surgery for a herniated liver about 12 months ago and is still somewhat sensitive and I just know I can’t want to do that surgery again it was horrible in so many ways!)  
And so I decided to take it easy the last couple of days I know it doesn’t sound responsible and is a loaded excuse but honesty being the best policy there you have it!
On a very positive note I have been eating responsible but the Exercise took a back seat for a couple of days  and with the Pulled muscle and heat I have decided to rest,
Now for the updates for that action …. Remember Fridays????  Well you guessed it I was eating healthy but not exercising and as a result I gained 1.8 lbs in 4 days …. I know that isn’t a lot but for me it made me mad that I allowed my laziness to conquer my determination…..
Yesterday while reading some blogs I came across this amazing Blog If you aren’t already following her you should be she is amazing and her determination is so inspiring that today I decided …. NO PAIN NO GAIN I am back baby!!!!!   It just amazed me that she didn’t let things get to her and that no matter the cause she kept pushing and pushed harder each time she set small goals and reached up to amazing feats!!!!!  I am impressed and if you read and follow you will be too!!!!  Super Awesome Blog!!!!!!
She just completed the hood to coast Relay OMG that in itself is amazing!!! Congrats to her!
So Because of her and So many others that are out there Sweating it off I must stand tall and do the same! And take this last 4 days as a example of how not to Get stuck on ANYDAY LAZY DAY FRIDAYS!

Wish me Luck!!!!!
Gr8gurl J

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fridays!!!!  What does that word mean????
                To so many people Friday begins a Sigh of relief that one can relax …. That they have two days to recover from the stresses of the week all just to start all over again on that mundane Monday, or it could be that a long awaited activity to go out with friends or family is finally here.  

For me it has had many different meanings it could be the OMG I have to pay that bill day, or the Gee I have a date tonight I’m so nervous and excited day, or I can’t wait to get home and do absolutely nothing day, And even though that is one of my favorite Fridays they are so few and far between that begs the question ….  How in this world do we all do it …? We Juggle life Work and Family & whatever curveball comes our way and then …. Now Nutrition on the go, Exercise   and whatever comes after that.
But as a Rule Friday being the  same as any other day  I find you still have to keep your head on, which can be a daunting task sometimes I have three children and one Grandchild on the way  and so that means I don’t usually get a chance to sit down and ponder its usually Run Run ….. And then Run some more.  
So now you can see why Nutrition and exercise took a back seat for a while and how I created my own personal prison of fat but it wasn’t just Fridays…. It was an everyday process for me   that lead to my own downfall.   That is why I thought that reflecting on such an importance would benefit others ….. Everyone loves to have those I don’t care days but when it comes to your general health you have to keep in mind that every day is a Monday…..  When we juggle our daily lives it’s easy to say well it’s just one day it can’t hurt that bad….. But in reality one day of not towing the line with nutrition and exercise takes three days to get back to where you started on Friday it just isn’t worth all that extra hard work. 
Take it from me ….. I’m the queen of rationalization as my daughter so eloquently put it …. There were days I was like it’s just one day I can eat that burger and Fries or OMGGGGGG Look at that Sundae and before you knew it there I was looking at a 285 lb Human garbage disposal with a desk job and quickly on my way to being my very own heart attack special and the worst part no matter how many times I looked in the mirror that wasn’t the person I saw. 
Then there I was one day laid off from my job Savings becoming depleted rapidly I sat down told my daughter We only have this much money left but I don’t want to be like this anymore  and my daughter said with a smile Mom No matter what money we have your health is more important do what you need you have my support and every day since she has been my own personal trainer & sometimes  I think she is worse than those people on biggest loser she really pushes me and I am glad she did …. She helped me to turn my Everyday Friday I don’t care days ….. Into the get up and get ready to go Monday everyday!!!!  So in conclusion when you look at Fridays and it’s a payday …. A rest day or whatever day …. And you’re looking at that OMGGGG SUNDAE Make it a Get up and kick your butt Day everyday and one day you will soon realize that it is not worth that extra 3 Days of your life just trying to get back to Friday!  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Random Blurb, getting it off my chest verbally

How many times have we all wished there was a quick fix …..There has got to be some way that we could get out of the Prison of fat that we have condemned ourselves to,  That is the magic question, I have been overweight so long that I can’t even begin to explain how many times I have heard try this or try that and honestly gave them my best foot forward …. All to have fallen on my face and the funny thing I found through research that I am not the only one LOL Thank Goodness this means I am not completely alone.  Don’t get me wrong I don’t wish this on anyone …. Just grateful that we as a group are not alone and isn’t it better to know that you can have someone rather than no one?

Today I was researching some blogs trying to find motivation a way to know that I am not alone completely that I am able to make it, Here is what I found there is a lot that may drag someone down … inhibit your weight loss goals on many different levels and everyone has their own reasons for losing the weight  some are that  they absolutely have no choice or they could die because they are so overweight  or there are others that are trying because they  want to be accepted by society,  My reason’s are several compounding issues one my health has degraded because of the extreme  weight that I had gained  and my other reason however superficial it seems is ….. Here it comes ……. REJECTION!!!!  Every Relationship I have had at one point or another over the course of the last 6.5 years has ended in REJECTION them telling me something like Of course I loved you …. I’m just not in love with you any more or my personal favorite you’re a wonderful person and anyone would be lucky to have you but I’m not attracted to you anymore.  The Worst part of it all knowing that I put myself in that position, that I used food for comfort …  and  was sedentary  all by myself and have no one to blame for where I am but myself. 
Here’s a little back story that prompted me to completely free myself from this prison Much like Custer’s last stand …. I bravely am taking mine but before I tell you what prompted me I have heard it all and the responses being the same …. Don’t do this because of someone’s actions but do it for yourself  know that you did it to make you happy , I have decided that I am doing it to make me happy  and more over to Give back …. A metaphorical Slap in the face because I am a great person and more often than not people only see the outside of a person, Instead of the beauty of a person on the inside. Knowing this I will achieve and accomplish many goals I will get myself to a healthier body and be in shape so that I can see my children grow and my soon to be grandchild …. Still getting used to that one I thought that would be a long time coming but young love thought differently,
So I thought I would start by telling you how so far I have been working to accomplish those goals …….
Every day I have been Running 3.5 miles a day and did the math ….. 3.5 miles per day Equals 24.5 miles a week for a total of 105.35 Miles per month and in six months will be 632.1 Miles WOW that’s like walking to Vegas Lol, and you can follow my calories and what I have been eating as well via ( so this really has become a journey and I am Committed and determined for several different reasons some of you may not agree that my reasoning is the best and I should only be doing this for me and I am ….. But I am also doing it for that Metaphorical Slap in the face to all the people that rejected me  treated me different because I weigh more that I must not care about me  and that I must not be a valuable member of Society ….. Well I am here to show everyone wrong and that this can be done!
I know that that there is no easy way out and sadly I have tried so many of those ….. Just like there is no get rich quick scheme that works the same applies therefore I have committed myself to hard work   Dedication and commitment and at the End of 6 months and 632.1 Miles later  We’ll see how it paid off!  And In the mean time keep checking my post’s because I intend on posting Updates … So that the Journey is one that we all take together!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Laying a little ground work…… The pavers are going in one step at a time…. and the result? A happier healthier me!

When waking up this morning I wondered … what do you post how you update people with how you’re previous and first week & weekend went well honestly it started out crazy busy and ended the same with me barely making it to my pillow last night.
Well last week was awesome and so proud of myself I ran 3.5 miles on Thursday and went swimming as well   that was a good day,  I did run the better half of the way but admittedly there were times where I thought  that my lungs and heart  were literally going to pop right out my chest but if I had not had  my now Pregnant Daughter telling me if I can do it mom … So how could anyone argue with that logic even if she is still a size 3 LOL some people have all the luck she didn’t get that from me LOL!
So I did …. I pushed and I did it and I have been eating really well and sticking to my allowed calories and food intake I have lost 1.5 lbs but admittedly probably would have done better if I hadn’t gone out on that date Friday … While I had a wonderful time I ate things I normally wouldn’t have and I think that may have cost me some of the hard work that I put in Early on in the week but … But all things considered … it’s a learning experience, 
My big weakness …. Getting in the water
But just like the title states … the pavers are going in one step at a time!

Friday, August 19, 2011

~ Integrity Not for Sale~

"Integrity — Not for Sale."
We have all most likely heard about a bridge collapse and the devastating results that occur. When the report comes out about why there was a collapse, more often than not there is a statement that the “integrity of the bridge” failed. Just like what can happen when the integrity of a bridge fails, if we let our integrity slip or fail, we too will face devastating results.
One of the most valuable characteristics that any person can have is integrity. This vital quality endures respect, support, credibility, success, understanding and so many other positive adjectives. There have been enough examples of what happens when trust is broken and honesty no longer exists. Companies have failed, countries have revolted, people have died and many have lost their way. In short, devastating results can occur. However, when integrity stays intact and a priority, a person or organization can rise to new levels of success.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is also known as the "Golden Rule." It is very easy to quote this to someone who is doing something we don't like, but when it comes to actually living this advice, well, that's a different story.

Many successful companies spend quite a bit of money investing in the principle of integrity and ethics. Yet there are other organizations where leaders have not emphasized the importance of maintaining integrity and, in fact, shown by personal example what happens when decisions are made for personal gain.
More often than not, when the decision is made to no longer be honest and trustworthy, tunnel vision exists and the thought of others goes away.
The attraction for personal gain in today’s world has been overemphasized and glamorized. The issue is that the generations coming behind us are going to follow what we do, not what we say. This seeking of personal gain often comes from the thought process that integrity is simply something we can have only when we want.
It is devastating to think that so many believe integrity is a conditional principle. It is not. You cannot look at your calendar and say, "Tuesday and Friday look like good days to be honest," and then the other days of the week act contrary to that principle. Eventually, it will catch up.
Integrity is a 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, 365-day-a-year principle. It is who we are. Unfortunately, many good people, leaders, organizations and companies have made the conscious decision to set aside their ethics. Often those who have made these bad decisions quickly try to blame others for their actions. They refuse to take accountability.
This should not surprise anyone. Face it: When we are caught doing something wrong, it is not in our nature to 'fess up. One of the main reasons is because we are so humiliated and angry with ourselves. When this happens, it has a lasting impact. It is the difference between a moment of gratification and true happiness.
The principle of integrity most often are found in those who are humble, service-oriented, honest, ethical and happy. Those that do not hold honesty in high regard consist of those who are selfish, unethical, sneaky and prideful.
Happiness seems to be a goal that many strive for. The problem comes when we try to define what happiness is for every single person, organization, team or country. We come from different backgrounds and thus must have the ability to find the happiness that can lead to good thoughts, actions and habits.
In looking at the principle of integrity, it seems that there are clear distinctions between the words that define a person who is trustworthy and honest and ones that do not have integrity.
The principle of integrity most often are found in those who are humble, service-oriented, honest, ethical and happy. Those that do not hold honesty in high regard consist of those who are selfish, unethical, sneaky and prideful. It seems essential to ask ourselves questions to provide a temperature check if we are living with integrity.
Here are some questions that might be helpful:
  • Am I proud of who I am?
  • Would I want others to follow what I am doing or saying?
  • Do others want to associate with me? Why or why not?
  • Who are the people influencing me?
These questions, when answered honestly, can help a person and organization stay on track. You must be willing to stand up for who you are and your values. It can make a difference, not just with you but those around you.
If anyone thinks it is too late, think again. If this one principle of integrity was lived by more people, organizations, teams and countries, the world would be a better place. Not only that, the happiness that would come from this conscious decision would provide the type of environment that would allow more opportunities to achieve goals, dreams and aspirations.
You never know. Perhaps the next great positive influence on society will come from you. Do not let others buy your integrity. Put up a sign that says, "Integrity — Not for Sale."
 While we all work on our paths to better ourselfs this a great place to start!

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