Thursday, September 1, 2011

D.I.E.T is a dirty Four Letter word!

Do you ever notice??? D.I.E.T is a dirty Four Letter word!

After that initial excitement and determination wears off, it's hard for most people to continue going to the gym, eating right, or both because things start to get in the way and that couch looks more and more enticing, as does that fatty dessert. Here are a few ways that you can stay motivated about your life change experience and exercise programs…..   
Get a workout/diet partner 
It's always easier to do things with a friend. When it comes to dieting and working out, you won't feel like you're in it alone. The two of you can go out to eat together and not feel bad about having to order something healthy and you’ll be able to check up on each other and make sure that you are both staying on the diet and you can motivate each other to exercise on a regular schedule. There will certainly be days when the last thing you want to do is go for a jog and that will be true for your friend as well, and it's on these days that the workout partner is key because they will help convince you to get up and do it. Plus a little friendly competition never hurts.
Think positively
Being Positive plays a huge role in someone's willingness and desire to continue doing an activity, or to do it again. Reward yourself for staying on your plan, especially if you've just fought an epic internal battle over McDonald's French fries and chicken mc nuggets vs. a turkey sandwich, and you chose the turkey sandwich. Positive thinking works for exercise as well. After your workouts concentrate on how good you feel for having completed your goals and how great you feel after expending some energy and gaining strength that has always been beneficial to me!
If possible, vary your workout and your diet routines
If there are exercises that you absolutely hate to do, don't do them. Find another exercise that works the same muscle group or produces the same cardio output. You won't dread working out and you'll be much more likely to continue your program,
Look in the mirror
Check yourself out a little bit. Take Pictures Routinely If you aren't happy with what you see, then it might help remind you to stay with your life change and exercise program.  I usually hang the pictures up in my bathroom so it is the first thing I see…. And that in itself is super for motivation for me! And if you do like what you see you'll be proud of all the hard work you've put in and be reminded of what exactly it is that you have been working for.
Just don't let anyone walk in on your muscle flexing or stomach admiring!

Listening to music can be very helpful in accomplishing your workout to the finish and the exercise you are struggling through just became easier …. My daughter says I look like a fruit ball sometimes when that good Song comes on and you see me dancing down the street while on my run … but I figure ah well I’m working it …. You don’t like it then don't look! Everyone has different musical tastes, but up-beat music that pumps you up is usually the best choice. Don't be afraid to vary your music as well; you don't want every workout to be the same.
Remember: your health is important
Many people diet simply to look better and skinnier. There's nothing wrong with looking good and losing weight as your primary reasons for dieting and exercising, but realize as well that you will be healthier and stronger. Working out and eating right increases your life expectancy and improves your quality of life. You'll have more energy and be able to do so much more. Being healthy will make a profound difference on anyone's life, and that should be motivation enough to start your diet and get going on that exercise program—and to keep it up indefinitely.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the additional information with us, Its good for health and fitness. Kindly write for weight loss supplements for men.


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