Sept 11th 10 Years remembered how the world would be forever changed
Much like December 7th 1941 the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese Soldiers September 11th 2001 is a day that will live in infamy. December 7th Was also a day that the world would look at
things differently how we all came together as a Country united to help others recover and to heal from such a devastating attack. 10 Years ago …. I remember that day like it was yesterday as I am sure that everyone had their own perceptions and memories of that day and the days to follow.
Here is where mine begin, On the Morning of September 11th 2001 I had woke to get my children ready for school all under the age of 10 and that the time they were 7-5-2 in age …. I had just had Major Surgery on my shoulder a week prior and was having trouble taking care of my youngest child so I decided to have my husband at that time take the other 2 kids to school then drop me and my baby off at my parents so that I could have help with my youngest son since I couldn’t move very well….. And that is the moment that I will never forget,
As I walked to the Door of my parent’s home my dad walked to the door and as he opened the door he said ….. “Did you hear about the plane crash that hit the world trade Center? “ I laughed at my dad and said ya right dad ….. I had lived in New York back in 1991 to 1993 and I knew that the airplanes didn’t travel that close to NY it had to be a mistake on a flight path, I walked in and sat my baby down started to watch as I looked in horror and disbelief ….. Seconds later, I watched live footage of United Airlines Flight 175 crash into the south tower of the World Trade Center. Since United Airlines Flight 11 had hit the north tower just 16 minutes before, cameras were already rolling.
Horrified, I knew that the world would never quite be the same. I watched hour after hour of news coverage. I cried. I hugged my kids. I called my husband and parents and grandparents to tell them I loved them. I remembered the first attack on WTC …. I was living only a matter of Blocks away on that fatal day …. In 1993 and remember being really scared then …. Thinking, is this the beginning of the End? So when I saw that second Plane Hit the south tower I just knew as millions of others did too this was no accident any more … We Were under attack! Much like that Fateful day in December 7th 1941 No one could have imagined what would transpire in a matter of Hrs or what would become of the Fate for the United States as everything unraveled but amazingly enough we all stood strong one hand next to another banding together with our heads tall saying this is not the end … we will not go down without a fight WE WILL RECOVER!!!! You have not beaten us!
So Now here it is Almost 10 years to the day and Now my children are 17 /15/12 and still to this day we make it a point to remember those that have fallen, The Firefighters who bravely Stormed into those Buildings when others ran out, The Soldiers Who fought on that line and lost their lives because of that event , To All of the Volunteers that spent Hours upon hours searching through piles of rubble hoping to find someone alive, and last but certainly not least the 2974 Victims and their families and the Children that had to grow up without fathers , Mothers Aunts and or Uncles because of the Events that took place on that day from the September 11th 2011 Attacks.
Since this year marks the 10th anniversary of the attacks, news coverage and discussions will be abundant.
Following some of Dr. Harold Koplewicz’s suggestions in his article “A Decade Later: Talking to Kids About 9/11,” I plan on having individual, age-appropriate discussions with my kids. I won’t shy away from the basic facts, but I will decide what kind of details, footage and news coverage to share with each child.
I’ll explain that many ordinary Americans reacted to the attacks with extraordinary unselfishness. Some of these inspiring accounts can be found in this lesson prepared by Constitution Rights Foundation Chicago titled, “Good Citizens in a Time of Emergency”.
I want my kids to understand that it's possible for millions of diverse individuals to set aside their differences and work toward a common good. And that demonstrating unselfishness, resiliency and hope can improve and change countless lives, including our own.
I'll try to explain all these things, but I’m sure that these talks with my kids won’t all go perfectly. I’ll be far from ideal, some of my kids won’t seem to care very much, and at least one of them will probably become exceedingly worked up about the terrorist acts themselves.
But it’s worth my best efforts, because remembering 9/11 is simply too important to forget.
Just remembering!
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